Common Sydney Electrical Problems In Your House

  1. Loose Outlet Plug: Turn off the breaker and use a voltmeter to check for voltage to the outlet. Remove the Outlet plate by unscrewing the cover plate you can add outlet shims and screw the plate back into the wall.

  2. Broken Light Switch: Turn off the circuit breaker and the light will go out when you choose the right one. Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the faceplate and Phillip’s head to remove the light switch. Test the two wires connected to the screw for electricity and if it’s safe, disconnect and reassemble the light switch.

  3. Short Circuit: Electrical appliances such as hairdryers as a history of frequently trip or short circuits. To fix this just reset the breaker and check if it’s working fine but if you experience this repeatedly on various occasion with the same appliance then it indicates a faulty appliance and not the electrical system. If you’re experiencing trips or short circuits without the appliance then you need to Call in a Professional to fix the short in the wiring or receptacle

  4. Cut or Damaged Extension Cord: Unplug both ends and cut off the old plug. Gently score and peel back the insulation jacket. Strip each wire with a wire stripper and twist each wire tightly at the end now screw them into the back of the plug: black to gold; white to the silver screw; green to the green screw. Finally, close the plug and secure the wires. Cut in the middle? Purchase extra ends and turn the damaged cord into two new ones.

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