Museum Exhibitions and the Details that Matter

The museum world this year is in serious bounce-back mode trying to rebuild attendance after the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, every detail must be considered right down to the museum exhibit labels. The pandemic so upended people’s lives and patterns and so much moved online that restoring in-person experiences is challenging. Mounting and publicizing visitor-friendly exhibitions has never been more crucial, and in the big picture is a matter of survival. Making sure that museums continue for future generations requires short-term and long-term success.

Wise museum professionals are also attuned to the changing interests of visitors and the need to mount unique exhibitions. There’s no doubt that some of the classic themes have their fans and will draw a crowd to some extent, but the breakthroughs more often come from something new or different. The most successful cultural institutions are those with close ties to the audiences that foster greater understanding. Adding interactive or snapshot-ready opportunities may also help. You can’t underestimate the promotional value of people’s social media posts. They are vital PR tools today.

Staying focused on the visitor experience is also a crucial priority. Knowing what people want and what will get them talking matters favorably. The show you mount will do better when you make those connections accurately. It may also require some mini exhibits in locations outside the museum to reach potential visitors in person. Virtual events can be employed, but not in a way that gives people enough to feel skipping an in-person experience is okay. The trick is to run them in a way that previews the in-person experience and makes it seem exciting. Then you improve the chances that people will visit.

Keeping an outward focus when planning exhibitions is also essential. There is much to be learned from visiting other museums and finding out what has worked well for them recently. No two are alike, but some ideas can be adapted in more than one place. Most feel a complete rebound in attendance may take several years because some may depend on travel and visitors. Starting the process sooner than later is important because if things are allowed to drift and decline for too long, they are harder to reverse. One breakthrough event can help get the ball rolling.